
「テスラにおねがい!」 "Please, Dr. Tesla!"


もう面倒くさい 伝えあうなんて
わかんない 隠れたファクター
難問の方程式は なぜとけないの?
そう透明な 気持ちをもったら
暗号の ロックもほどけて
曖昧な言葉 なくてもわかるよね

だからおねがい 天才博士
テスラ クーロン アンペール
だから今すぐ 天才博士
ヘルツ プランク ストークス
完成待ってる今は まだ眠れないよ


もう落ち着かない 時間に追われて
うっとうしい 飛び出すアラーム
斬新なニューアイデアも すぐ消えちゃうよ
そう見っかんない 門限なんて無い
計算の世界 超えれば行けるよね

だからおねがい 天才博士
ボルタ クヌース マクスウェル
だから気付いて 天才博士
キュリー プランク ボルツマン
完成待ってる今は まだ眠れないよ

だからおねがい 天才博士
テスラ クーロン アンペール
だから今すぐ 天才博士
ヘルツ プランク ストークス
神様の杖は いらないからね

I'm still waiting for your answer, searching everywhere
I just wish I could see through your heart
I just wish you could hear how you make my heart race
Verbal communication can be a drag, like a math equation

If we could see through our hearts
There'd be no cryptic security codes to crack
We wouldn't even need to talk

So please, giants of science
Doctors Tesla, Coulomb and Ampere
Invent some cute technology
Come on, giants of science
Doctors Hertz, Planck and Stokes
Make things see through like Rontgen's invention
Like sweet X-Ray vision to see emotions
I won't be able to sleep until you make one

I want to go where both Mom and teachers can't find me
I want to go to the end of the universe with you at warp three
I hate the sound of the alarm clock, it upsets me
It makes me feel like I'm racing against time
I want to go where there's no curfew, where I won't ever have to leave you

So please, giants of science
Doctors Volta, Knuth and Maxwell
Come on, giants of science
Doctors Curie, Planck and Boltzmann
Take me to the 4th dimension where time is meaningless and my dreams come
I won't be able to sleep until you make it happen

So please, giants of science
Doctors Tesla, Coulomb and Ampere
Invent some technology that hurts no one
Doctors Hertz, Planck and Stokes
May I remind you, I won't appreciate the Rods from God
'Coz if you used it, it'll be "Kiss our civilization goodbye"

note: Rods from God
It's a system of space weapon platforms still under construction that is
capable of mass destruction.
Its range covers the entire Earth.
It launches immense cannonballs at Mach 9 from the military orbital station
at 1,000 km altitude.
The impact is equivalent to nuclear detonation. It's potentially powerful
enough to destroy subterranean targets hundreds of meters beneath the